Continue to Call Iterator if Returns Undefined

Iterators and Generators

Many programming languages have shifted from iterating over data with for loops, which require initializing variables to track position in a collection, to using iterator objects that programmatically return the next item in a collection. Iterators make working with collections of data easier, and ECMAScript 6 adds iterators to JavaScript. When coupled with new array methods and new types of collections (such as sets and maps), iterators are key for efficient data processing, and you will find them in many parts of the language. There's a new for-of loop that works with iterators, the spread (...) operator uses iterators, and iterators even make asynchronous programming easier.

This chapter covers the many uses of iterators, but first, it's important to understand the history behind why iterators were added to JavaScript.

The Loop Problem

If you've ever programmed in JavaScript, you've probably written code that looks like this:

              var              colors              =              [              "red"              ,              "green"              ,              "blue"              ]              ;              for              (              var              i              =              0              ,              len              =              colors              .              length              ;              i              <              len              ;              i              ++              )              {              console              .              log              (              colors              [              i              ]              )              ;              }            

This standard for loop tracks the index into the colors array with the i variable. The value of i increments each time the loop executes if i isn't larger than the length of the array (stored in len).

While this loop is fairly straightforward, loops grow in complexity when you nest them and need to keep track of multiple variables. Additional complexity can lead to errors, and the boilerplate nature of the for loop lends itself to more errors as similar code is written in multiple places. Iterators are meant to solve that problem.

What are Iterators?

Iterators are just objects with a specific interface designed for iteration. All iterator objects have a next() method that returns a result object. The result object has two properties: value, which is the next value, and done, which is a boolean that's true when there are no more values to return. The iterator keeps an internal pointer to a location within a collection of values and with each call to the next() method, it returns the next appropriate value.

If you call next() after the last value has been returned, the method returns done as true and value contains the return value for the iterator. That return value is not part of the data set, but rather a final piece of related data, or undefined if no such data exists. An iterator's return value is similar to a function's return value in that it's a final way to pass information to the caller.

With that in mind, creating an iterator using ECMAScript 5 is fairly straightforward:

              function              createIterator              (              items              )              {              var              i              =              0              ;              return              {              next:              function              (              )              {              var              done              =              (              i              >=              items              .              length              )              ;              var              value              =              !              done              ?              items              [              i              ++              ]              :              undefined              ;              return              {              done:              done              ,              value:              value              }              ;              }              }              ;              }              var              iterator              =              createIterator              (              [              1              ,              2              ,              3              ]              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 2, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 3, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"              // for all further calls              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

The createIterator() function returns an object with a next() method. Each time the method is called, the next value in the items array is returned as value. When i is 3, done becomes true and the ternary conditional operator that sets value evaluates to undefined. These two results fulfill the special last case for iterators in ECMAScript 6, where next() is called on an iterator after the last piece of data has been used.

As this example shows, writing iterators that behave according to the rules laid out in ECMAScript 6 is a bit complex.

Fortunately, ECMAScript 6 also provides generators, which make creating iterator objects much simpler.

What Are Generators?

A generator is a function that returns an iterator. Generator functions are indicated by a star character (*) after the function keyword and use the new yield keyword. It doesn't matter if the star is directly next to function or if there's some whitespace between it and the * character, as in this example:

              // generator              function              *              createIterator              (              )              {              yield              1              ;              yield              2              ;              yield              3              ;              }              // generators are called like regular functions but return an iterator              let              iterator              =              createIterator              (              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              .              value              )              ;              // 1              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              .              value              )              ;              // 2              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              .              value              )              ;              // 3            

The * before createIterator() makes this function a generator. The yield keyword, also new to ECMAScript 6, specifies values the resulting iterator should return when next() is called, in the order they should be returned. The iterator generated in this example has three different values to return on successive calls to the next() method: first 1, then 2, and finally 3. A generator gets called like any other function, as shown when iterator is created.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of generator functions is that they stop execution after each yield statement. For instance, after yield 1 executes in this code, the function doesn't execute anything else until the iterator's next() method is called. At that point, yield 2 executes. This ability to stop execution in the middle of a function is extremely powerful and leads to some interesting uses of generator functions (discussed in the "Advanced Iterator Functionality" section).

The yield keyword can be used with any value or expression, so you can write generator functions that add items to iterators without just listing the items one by one. For example, here's one way you could use yield inside a for loop:

              function              *              createIterator              (              items              )              {              for              (              let              i              =              0              ;              i              <              items              .              length              ;              i              ++              )              {              yield              items              [              i              ]              ;              }              }              let              iterator              =              createIterator              (              [              1              ,              2              ,              3              ]              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 2, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 3, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"              // for all further calls              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

This example passes an array called items to the createIterator() generator function. Inside the function, a for loop yields the elements from the array into the iterator as the loop progresses. Each time yield is encountered, the loop stops, and each time next() is called on iterator, the loop picks up with the next yield statement.

Generator functions are an important feature of ECMAScript 6, and since they are just functions, they can be used in all the same places. The rest of this section focuses on other useful ways to write generators.

W> The yield keyword can only be used inside of generators. Use of yield anywhere else is a syntax error, including functions that are inside of generators, such as: W> W> js W> function *createIterator(items) { W> W> items.forEach(function(item) { W> W> // syntax error W> yield item + 1; W> }); W> } W> W> W> Even though yield is technically inside of createIterator(), this code is a syntax error because yield cannot cross function boundaries. In this way, yield is similar to return, in that a nested function cannot return a value for its containing function.

Generator Function Expressions

You can use function expressions to create generators by just including a star (*) character between the function keyword and the opening parenthesis. For example:

              let              createIterator              =              function              *              (              items              )              {              for              (              let              i              =              0              ;              i              <              items              .              length              ;              i              ++              )              {              yield              items              [              i              ]              ;              }              }              ;              let              iterator              =              createIterator              (              [              1              ,              2              ,              3              ]              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 2, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 3, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"              // for all further calls              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

In this code, createIterator() is a generator function expression instead of a function declaration. The asterisk goes between the function keyword and the opening parentheses because the function expression is anonymous. Otherwise, this example is the same as the previous version of the createIterator() function, which also used a for loop.

I> Creating an arrow function that is also a generator is not possible.

Generator Object Methods

Because generators are just functions, they can be added to objects, too. For example, you can make a generator in an ECMAScript 5-style object literal with a function expression:

              var              o              =              {              createIterator:              function              *              (              items              )              {              for              (              let              i              =              0              ;              i              <              items              .              length              ;              i              ++              )              {              yield              items              [              i              ]              ;              }              }              }              ;              let              iterator              =              o              .              createIterator              (              [              1              ,              2              ,              3              ]              )              ;            

You can also use the ECMAScript 6 method shorthand by prepending the method name with a star (*):

              var              o              =              {              *              createIterator              (              items              )              {              for              (              let              i              =              0              ;              i              <              items              .              length              ;              i              ++              )              {              yield              items              [              i              ]              ;              }              }              }              ;              let              iterator              =              o              .              createIterator              (              [              1              ,              2              ,              3              ]              )              ;            

These examples are functionally equivalent to the example in the "Generator Function Expressions" section; they just use different syntax. In the shorthand version, because the createIterator() method is defined with no function keyword, the star is placed immediately before the method name, though you can leave whitespace between the star and the method name.

Iterables and for-of

Closely related to iterators, an iterable is an object with a Symbol.iterator property. The well-known Symbol.iterator symbol specifies a function that returns an iterator for the given object. All collection objects (arrays, sets, and maps) and strings are iterables in ECMAScript 6 and so they have a default iterator specified. Iterables are designed to be used with a new addition to ECMAScript: the for-of loop.

I> All iterators created by generators are also iterables, as generators assign the Symbol.iterator property by default.

At the beginning of this chapter, I mentioned the problem of tracking an index inside a for loop. Iterators are the first part of the solution to that problem. The for-of loop is the second part: it removes the need to track an index into a collection entirely, leaving you free to focus on working with the contents of the collection.

A for-of loop works on an iterable and uses its Symbol.iterator property to retrieve an iterator. Then, the for-of loop calls next() on that iterator each time the loop executes and stores the value from the result object in a variable. The loop continues this process until the returned object's done property is true. Here's an example:

              let              values              =              [              1              ,              2              ,              3              ]              ;              for              (              let              num              of              values              )              {              console              .              log              (              num              )              ;              }            

This code outputs the following:

This for-of loop first calls the Symbol.iterator method on the values array to retrieve an iterator. (The call to Symbol.iterator happens behind the scenes in the JavaScript engine itself.) Then is called, and the value property on the iterator's result object is read into num. The num variable is first 1, then 2, and finally 3. When done on the result object is true, the loop exits, so num is never assigned the value of undefined.

If you are simply iterating over values in an array or collection, then it's a good idea to use a for-of loop instead of a for loop. The for-of loop is generally less error-prone because there are fewer conditions to keep track of. Save the traditional for loop for more complex control conditions.

W> The for-of statement will throw an error when used on, a non-iterable object, null, or undefined.

Accessing the Default Iterator

You can use Symbol.iterator to access the default iterator for an object, like this:

              let              values              =              [              1              ,              2              ,              3              ]              ;              let              iterator              =              values              [              Symbol              .              iterator              ]              (              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 2, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 3, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

This code gets the default iterator for values and uses that to iterate over the items in the array. This is the same process that happens behind-the-scenes when using a for-of loop.

Since Symbol.iterator specifies the default iterator, you can use it to detect whether an object is iterable as follows:

              function              isIterable              (              object              )              {              return              typeof              object              [              Symbol              .              iterator              ]              ===              "function"              ;              }              console              .              log              (              isIterable              (              [              1              ,              2              ,              3              ]              )              )              ;              // true              console              .              log              (              isIterable              (              "Hello"              )              )              ;              // true              console              .              log              (              isIterable              (              new              Map              (              )              )              )              ;              // true              console              .              log              (              isIterable              (              new              Set              (              )              )              )              ;              // true              console              .              log              (              isIterable              (              new              WeakMap              (              )              )              )              ;              // false              console              .              log              (              isIterable              (              new              WeakSet              (              )              )              )              ;              // false            

The isIterable() function simply checks to see if a default iterator exists on the object and is a function. The for-of loop does a similar check before executing.

So far, the examples in this section have shown ways to use Symbol.iterator with built-in iterable types, but you can also use the Symbol.iterator property to create your own iterables.

Creating Iterables

Developer-defined objects are not iterable by default, but you can make them iterable by creating a Symbol.iterator property containing a generator. For example:

              let              collection              =              {              items:              [              ]              ,              *              [              Symbol              .              iterator              ]              (              )              {              for              (              let              item              of              this              .              items              )              {              yield              item              ;              }              }              }              ;              collection              .              items              .              push              (              1              )              ;              collection              .              items              .              push              (              2              )              ;              collection              .              items              .              push              (              3              )              ;              for              (              let              x              of              collection              )              {              console              .              log              (              x              )              ;              }            

This code outputs the following:

First, the example defines a default iterator for an object called collection. The default iterator is created by the Symbol.iterator method, which is a generator (note the star still comes before the name). The generator then uses a for-of loop to iterate over the values in this.items and uses yield to return each one. Instead of manually iterating to define values for the default iterator of collection to return, the collection object relies on the default iterator of this.items to do the work.

I> "Delegating Generators" later in this chapter describes a different approach to using the iterator of another object.

Now you've seen some uses for the default array iterator, but there are many more iterators built in to ECMAScript 6 to make working with collections of data easy.

Built-in Iterators

Iterators are an important part of ECMAScript 6, and as such, you don't need to create your own iterators for many built-in types; the language includes them by default. You only need to create iterators when the built-in iterators don't serve your purpose, which will most frequently be when defining your own objects or classes. Otherwise, you can rely on built-in iterators to do your work. Perhaps the most common iterators to use are those that work on collections.

Collection Iterators

ECMAScript 6 has three types of collection objects: arrays, maps, and sets. All three have the following built-in iterators to help you navigate their content:

  • entries() - Returns an iterator whose values are a key-value pair
  • values() - Returns an iterator whose values are the values of the collection
  • keys() - Returns an iterator whose values are the keys contained in the collection

You can retrieve an iterator for a collection by calling one of these methods.

The entries() Iterator

The entries() iterator returns a two-item array each time next() is called. The two-item array represents the key and value for each item in the collection. For arrays, the first item is the numeric index; for sets, the first item is also the value (since values double as keys in sets); for maps, the first item is the key.

Here are some examples that use this iterator:

              let              colors              =              [              "red"              ,              "green"              ,              "blue"              ]              ;              let              tracking              =              new              Set              (              [              1234              ,              5678              ,              9012              ]              )              ;              let              data              =              new              Map              (              )              ;              data              .              set              (              "title"              ,              "Understanding ECMAScript 6"              )              ;              data              .              set              (              "format"              ,              "ebook"              )              ;              for              (              let              entry              of              colors              .              entries              (              )              )              {              console              .              log              (              entry              )              ;              }              for              (              let              entry              of              tracking              .              entries              (              )              )              {              console              .              log              (              entry              )              ;              }              for              (              let              entry              of              data              .              entries              (              )              )              {              console              .              log              (              entry              )              ;              }            

The console.log() calls give the following output:

              [0, "red"] [1, "green"] [2, "blue"] [1234, 1234] [5678, 5678] [9012, 9012] ["title", "Understanding ECMAScript 6"] ["format", "ebook"]                          

This code uses the entries() method on each type of collection to retrieve an iterator, and it uses for-of loops to iterate the items. The console output shows how the keys and values are returned in pairs for each object.

The values() Iterator

The values() iterator simply returns values as they are stored in the collection. For example:

              let              colors              =              [              "red"              ,              "green"              ,              "blue"              ]              ;              let              tracking              =              new              Set              (              [              1234              ,              5678              ,              9012              ]              )              ;              let              data              =              new              Map              (              )              ;              data              .              set              (              "title"              ,              "Understanding ECMAScript 6"              )              ;              data              .              set              (              "format"              ,              "ebook"              )              ;              for              (              let              value              of              colors              .              values              (              )              )              {              console              .              log              (              value              )              ;              }              for              (              let              value              of              tracking              .              values              (              )              )              {              console              .              log              (              value              )              ;              }              for              (              let              value              of              data              .              values              (              )              )              {              console              .              log              (              value              )              ;              }            

This code outputs the following:

              "red" "green" "blue" 1234 5678 9012 "Understanding ECMAScript 6" "ebook"                          

Calling the values() iterator, as in this example, returns the exact data contained in each collection without any information about that data's location in the collection.

The keys() Iterator

The keys() iterator returns each key present in a collection. For arrays, it only returns numeric keys, never other own properties of the array. For sets, the keys are the same as the values, and so keys() and values() return the same iterator. For maps, the keys() iterator returns each unique key. Here's an example that demonstrates all three:

              let              colors              =              [              "red"              ,              "green"              ,              "blue"              ]              ;              let              tracking              =              new              Set              (              [              1234              ,              5678              ,              9012              ]              )              ;              let              data              =              new              Map              (              )              ;              data              .              set              (              "title"              ,              "Understanding ECMAScript 6"              )              ;              data              .              set              (              "format"              ,              "ebook"              )              ;              for              (              let              key              of              colors              .              keys              (              )              )              {              console              .              log              (              key              )              ;              }              for              (              let              key              of              tracking              .              keys              (              )              )              {              console              .              log              (              key              )              ;              }              for              (              let              key              of              data              .              keys              (              )              )              {              console              .              log              (              key              )              ;              }            

This example outputs the following:

              0 1 2 1234 5678 9012 "title" "format"                          

The keys() iterator fetches each key in colors, tracking, and data, and those keys are printed from inside the three for-of loops. For the array object, only numeric indices are printed, which would still happen even if you added named properties to the array. This is different from the way the for-in loop works with arrays, because the for-in loop iterates over properties rather than just the numeric indices.

Default Iterators for Collection Types

Each collection type also has a default iterator that is used by for-of whenever an iterator isn't explicitly specified. The values() method is the default iterator for arrays and sets, while the entries() method is the default iterator for maps. These defaults make using collection objects in for-of loops a little easier. For instance, consider this example:

              let              colors              =              [              "red"              ,              "green"              ,              "blue"              ]              ;              let              tracking              =              new              Set              (              [              1234              ,              5678              ,              9012              ]              )              ;              let              data              =              new              Map              (              )              ;              data              .              set              (              "title"              ,              "Understanding ECMAScript 6"              )              ;              data              .              set              (              "format"              ,              "print"              )              ;              // same as using colors.values()              for              (              let              value              of              colors              )              {              console              .              log              (              value              )              ;              }              // same as using tracking.values()              for              (              let              num              of              tracking              )              {              console              .              log              (              num              )              ;              }              // same as using data.entries()              for              (              let              entry              of              data              )              {              console              .              log              (              entry              )              ;              }            

No iterator is specified, so the default iterator functions will be used. The default iterators for arrays, sets, and maps are designed to reflect how these objects are initialized, so this code outputs the following:

              "red" "green" "blue" 1234 5678 9012 ["title", "Understanding ECMAScript 6"] ["format", "print"]                          

Arrays and sets return their values by default, while maps return the same array format that can be passed into the Map constructor. Weak sets and weak maps, on the other hand, do not have built-in iterators. Managing weak references means there's no way to know exactly how many values are in these collections, which also means there's no way to iterate over them.

A> ### Destructuring and for-of Loops A> A> The behavior of the default iterator for maps is also helpful when used in for-of loops with destructuring, as in this example: A> A> js A> let data = new Map(); A> A> data.set("title", "Understanding ECMAScript 6"); A> data.set("format", "ebook"); A> A> // same as using data.entries() A> for (let [key, value] of data) { A> console.log(key + "=" + value); A> } A> A> A> The for-of loop in this code uses a destructured array to assign key and value for each entry in the map. In this way, you can easily work with keys and values at the same time without needing to access a two-item array or going back to the map to fetch either the key or the value. Using a destructured array for maps makes the for-of loop equally useful for maps as it is for sets and arrays.

String Iterators

JavaScript strings have slowly become more like arrays since ECMAScript 5 was released. For example, ECMAScript 5 formalized bracket notation for accessing characters in strings (that is, using text[0] to get the first character, and so on). But bracket notation works on code units rather than characters, so it cannot be used to access surrogate pair characters correctly, as this example demonstrates:

              var              message              =              "A ð ®· B"              ;              for              (              let              i              =              0              ;              i              <              message              .              length              ;              i              ++              )              {              console              .              log              (              message              [              i              ]              )              ;              }            

This code uses bracket notation and the length property to iterate over and print a string containing a surrogate pair character. The output is a bit unexpected:

              A (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) B                          

Since the surrogate pair character is treated as two separate code units, there are four empty lines between A and B in the output.

Fortunately, ECMAScript 6 aims to fully support Unicode (see Chapter 2), and the default string iterator is an attempt to solve the string iteration problem. As such, the default iterator for strings works on characters rather than code units. Changing this example to use the default string iterator with a for-of loop results in more appropriate output. Here's the tweaked code:

              var              message              =              "A ð ®· B"              ;              for              (              let              c              of              message              )              {              console              .              log              (              c              )              ;              }            

This outputs the following:

This result is more in line with what you'd expect when working with characters: the loop successfully prints the surrogate pair character, as well as all the rest.

NodeList Iterators

The Document Object Model (DOM) has a NodeList type that represents a collection of elements in a document. For those who write JavaScript to run in web browsers, understanding the difference between NodeList objects and arrays has always been a bit difficult. Both NodeList objects and arrays use the length property to indicate the number of items, and both use bracket notation to access individual items. Internally, however, a NodeList and an array behave quite differently, which has led to a lot of confusion.

With the addition of default iterators in ECMAScript 6, the DOM definition of NodeList (included in the HTML specification rather than ECMAScript 6 itself) includes a default iterator that behaves in the same manner as the array default iterator. That means you can use NodeList in a for-of loop or any other place that uses an object's default iterator. For example:

              var              divs              =              document              .              getElementsByTagName              (              "div"              )              ;              for              (              let              div              of              divs              )              {              console              .              log              (              div              .              id              )              ;              }            

This code calls getElementsByTagName() to retrieve a NodeList that represents all of the <div> elements in the document object. The for-of loop then iterates over each element and outputs the element IDs, effectively making the code the same as it would be for a standard array.

The Spread Operator and Non-Array Iterables

Recall from Chapter 7 that the spread operator (...) can be used to convert a set into an array. For example:

              let              set              =              new              Set              (              [              1              ,              2              ,              3              ,              3              ,              3              ,              4              ,              5              ]              )              ,              array              =              [...set              ]              ;              console              .              log              (              array              )              ;              // [1,2,3,4,5]            

This code uses the spread operator inside an array literal to fill in that array with the values from set. The spread operator works on all iterables and uses the default iterator to determine which values to include. All values are read from the iterator and inserted into the array in the order in which values were returned from the iterator. This example works because sets are iterables, but it can work equally well on any iterable. Here's another example:

              let              map              =              new              Map              (              [              [              "name"              ,              "Nicholas"              ]              ,              [              "age"              ,              25              ]              ]              )              ,              array              =              [              ]              ;              console              .              log              (              array              )              ;              // [ ["name", "Nicholas"], ["age", 25]]            

Here, the spread operator converts map into an array of arrays. Since the default iterator for maps returns key-value pairs, the resulting array looks like the array that was passed during the new Map() call.

You can use the spread operator in an array literal as many times as you want, and you can use it wherever you want to insert multiple items from an iterable. Those items will just appear in order in the new array at the location of the spread operator. For example:

              let              smallNumbers              =              [              1              ,              2              ,              3              ]              ,              bigNumbers              =              [              100              ,              101              ,              102              ]              ,              allNumbers              =              [              0              ,              ...smallNumbers              ,              ...bigNumbers              ]              ;              console              .              log              (              allNumbers              .              length              )              ;              // 7              console              .              log              (              allNumbers              )              ;              // [0, 1, 2, 3, 100, 101, 102]            

The spread operator is used to create allNumbers from the values in smallNumbers and bigNumbers. The values are placed in allNumbers in the same order the arrays are added when allNumbers is created: 0 is first, followed by the values from smallNumbers, followed by the values from bigNumbers. The original arrays are unchanged, though, as their values have just been copied into allNumbers.

Since the spread operator can be used on any iterable, it's the easiest way to convert an iterable into an array. You can convert strings into arrays of characters (not code units) and NodeList objects in the browser into arrays of nodes.

Now that you understand the basics of how iterators work, including for-of and the spread operator, it's time to look at some more complex uses of iterators.

Advanced Iterator Functionality

You can accomplish a lot with the basic functionality of iterators and the convenience of creating them using generators. However, iterators are much more powerful when used for tasks other than simply iterating over a collection of values. During the development of ECMAScript 6, a lot of unique ideas and patterns emerged that encouraged the creators to add more functionality. Some of those additions are subtle, but when used together, can accomplish some interesting interactions.

Passing Arguments to Iterators

Throughout this chapter, examples have shown iterators passing values out via the next() method or by using yield in a generator. But you can also pass arguments to the iterator through the next() method. When an argument is passed to the next() method, that argument becomes the value of the yield statement inside a generator. This capability is important for more advanced functionality such as asynchronous programming. Here's a basic example:

              function              *              createIterator              (              )              {              let              first              =              yield              1              ;              let              second              =              yield              first              +              2              ;              // 4 + 2              yield              second              +              3              ;              // 5 + 3              }              let              iterator              =              createIterator              (              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              4              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 6, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              5              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 8, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

The first call to next() is a special case where any argument passed to it is lost. Since arguments passed to next() become the values returned by yield, an argument from the first call to next() could only replace the first yield statement in the generator function if it could be accessed before that yield statement. That's not possible, so there's no reason to pass an argument the first time next() is called.

On the second call to next(), the value 4 is passed as the argument. The 4 ends up assigned to the variable first inside the generator function. In a yield statement including an assignment, the right side of the expression is evaluated on the first call to next() and the left side is evaluated on the second call to next() before the function continues executing. Since the second call to next() passes in 4, that value is assigned to first and then execution continues.

The second yield uses the result of the first yield and adds two, which means it returns a value of six. When next() is called a third time, the value 5 is passed as an argument. That value is assigned to the variable second and then used in the third yield statement to return 8.

It's a bit easier to think about what's happening by considering which code is executing each time execution continues inside the generator function. Figure 8-1 uses colors to show the code being executed before yielding.

Figure 8-1: Code execution inside a generator

The color yellow represents the first call to next() and all the code executed inside of the generator as a result. The color aqua represents the call to next(4) and the code that is executed with that call. The color purple represents the call to next(5) and the code that is executed as a result. The tricky part is how the code on the right side of each expression executes and stops before the left side is executed. This makes debugging complicated generators a bit more involved than debugging regular functions.

So far, you've seen that yield can act like return when a value is passed to the next() method. However, that's not the only execution trick you can do inside a generator. You can also cause iterators throw an error.

Throwing Errors in Iterators

It's possible to pass not just data into iterators but also error conditions. Iterators can choose to implement a throw() method that instructs the iterator to throw an error when it resumes. This is an important capability for asynchronous programming, but also for flexibility inside generators, where you want to be able to mimic both return values and thrown errors (the two ways of exiting a function). You can pass an error object to throw() that should be thrown when the iterator continues processing. For example:

              function              *              createIterator              (              )              {              let              first              =              yield              1              ;              let              second              =              yield              first              +              2              ;              // yield 4 + 2, then throw              yield              second              +              3              ;              // never is executed              }              let              iterator              =              createIterator              (              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              4              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 6, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              throw              (              new              Error              (              "Boom"              )              )              )              ;              // error thrown from generator            

In this example, the first two yield expressions are evaluated as normal, but when throw() is called, an error is thrown before let second is evaluated. This effectively halts code execution similar to directly throwing an error. The only difference is the location in which the error is thrown. Figure 8-2 shows which code is executed at each step.

Figure 8-2: Throwing an error inside a generator

In this figure, the color red represents the code executed when throw() is called, and the red star shows approximately when the error is thrown inside the generator. The first two yield statements are executed, and when throw() is called, an error is thrown before any other code executes.

Knowing this, you can catch such errors inside the generator using a try-catch block:

              function              *              createIterator              (              )              {              let              first              =              yield              1              ;              let              second              ;              try              {              second              =              yield              first              +              2              ;              // yield 4 + 2, then throw              }              catch              (              ex              )              {              second              =              6              ;              // on error, assign a different value              }              yield              second              +              3              ;              }              let              iterator              =              createIterator              (              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              4              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 6, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              throw              (              new              Error              (              "Boom"              )              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 9, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

In this example, a try-catch block is wrapped around the second yield statement. While this yield executes without error, the error is thrown before any value can be assigned to second, so the catch block assigns it a value of six. Execution then flows to the next yield and returns nine.

Notice that something interesting happened: the throw() method returned a result object just like the next() method. Because the error was caught inside the generator, code execution continued on to the next yield and returned the next value, 9.

It helps to think of next() and throw() as both being instructions to the iterator. The next() method instructs the iterator to continue executing (possibly with a given value) and throw() instructs the iterator to continue executing by throwing an error. What happens after that point depends on the code inside the generator.

The next() and throw() methods control execution inside an iterator when using yield, but you can also use the return statement. But return works a bit differently than it does in regular functions, as you will see in the next section.

Generator Return Statements

Since generators are functions, you can use the return statement both to exit early and specify a return value for the last call to the next() method. In most examples in this chapter, the last call to next() on an iterator returns undefined, but you can specify an alternate value by using return as you would in any other function. In a generator, return indicates that all processing is done, so the done property is set to true and the value, if provided, becomes the value field. Here's an example that simply exits early using return:

              function              *              createIterator              (              )              {              yield              1              ;              return              ;              yield              2              ;              yield              3              ;              }              let              iterator              =              createIterator              (              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

In this code, the generator has a yield statement followed by a return statement. The return indicates that there are no more values to come, and so the rest of the yield statements will not execute (they are unreachable).

You can also specify a return value that will end up in the value field of the returned object. For example:

              function              *              createIterator              (              )              {              yield              1              ;              return              42              ;              }              let              iterator              =              createIterator              (              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 42, done: true }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

Here, the value 42 is returned in the value field on the second call to the next() method (which is the first time that done is true). The third call to next() returns an object whose value property is once again undefined. Any value you specify with return is only available on the returned object one time before the value field is reset to undefined.

I> The spread operator and for-of ignore any value specified by a return statement. As soon as they see done is true, they stop without reading the value. Iterator return values are helpful, however, when delegating generators.

Delegating Generators

In some cases, combining the values from two iterators into one is useful. Generators can delegate to other iterators using a special form of yield with a star (*) character. As with generator definitions, where the star appears doesn't matter, as long as the star falls between the yield keyword and the generator function name. Here's an example:

              function              *              createNumberIterator              (              )              {              yield              1              ;              yield              2              ;              }              function              *              createColorIterator              (              )              {              yield              "red"              ;              yield              "green"              ;              }              function              *              createCombinedIterator              (              )              {              yield              *              createNumberIterator              (              )              ;              yield              *              createColorIterator              (              )              ;              yield              true              ;              }              var              iterator              =              createCombinedIterator              (              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 2, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: "red", done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: "green", done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: true, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

In this example, the createCombinedIterator() generator delegates first to the iterator returned from createNumberIterator() and then to the iterator returned from createColorIterator(). The iterator returned from createCombinedIterator() appears, from the outside, to be one consistent iterator that has produced all of the values. Each call to next() is delegated to the appropriate iterator until the iterators created by createNumberIterator() and createColorIterator() are empty. Then the final yield is executed to return true.

Generator delegation also lets you make further use of generator return values. This is the easiest way to access such returned values and can be quite useful in performing complex tasks. For example:

              function              *              createNumberIterator              (              )              {              yield              1              ;              yield              2              ;              return              3              ;              }              function              *              createRepeatingIterator              (              count              )              {              for              (              let              i              =              0              ;              i              <              count              ;              i              ++              )              {              yield              "repeat"              ;              }              }              function              *              createCombinedIterator              (              )              {              let              result              =              yield              *              createNumberIterator              (              )              ;              yield              *              createRepeatingIterator              (              result              )              ;              }              var              iterator              =              createCombinedIterator              (              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 2, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: "repeat", done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: "repeat", done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: "repeat", done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

Here, the createCombinedIterator() generator delegates to createNumberIterator() and assigns the return value to result. Since createNumberIterator() contains return 3, the returned value is 3. The result variable is then passed to createRepeatingIterator() as an argument indicating how many times to yield the same string (in this case, three times).

Notice that the value 3 was never output from any call to the next() method. Right now, it exists solely inside the createCombinedIterator() generator. But you can output that value as well by adding another yield statement, such as:

              function              *              createNumberIterator              (              )              {              yield              1              ;              yield              2              ;              return              3              ;              }              function              *              createRepeatingIterator              (              count              )              {              for              (              let              i              =              0              ;              i              <              count              ;              i              ++              )              {              yield              "repeat"              ;              }              }              function              *              createCombinedIterator              (              )              {              let              result              =              yield              *              createNumberIterator              (              )              ;              yield              result              ;              yield              *              createRepeatingIterator              (              result              )              ;              }              var              iterator              =              createCombinedIterator              (              )              ;              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 1, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 2, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: 3, done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: "repeat", done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: "repeat", done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: "repeat", done: false }"              console              .              log              (              iterator              .              next              (              )              )              ;              // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"            

In this code, the extra yield statement explicitly outputs the returned value from the createNumberIterator() generator.

Generator delegation using the return value is a very powerful paradigm that allows for some very interesting possibilities, especially when used in conjunction with asynchronous operations.

I> You can use yield * directly on strings (such as yield * "hello") and the string's default iterator will be used.

Asynchronous Task Running

A lot of the excitement around generators is directly related to asynchronous programming. Asynchronous programming in JavaScript is a double-edged sword: simple tasks are easy to do asynchronously, while complex tasks become an errand in code organization. Since generators allow you to effectively pause code in the middle of execution, they open up a lot of possibilities related to asynchronous processing.

The traditional way to perform asynchronous operations is to call a function that has a callback. For example, consider reading a file from the disk in Node.js:

              let              fs              =              require              (              "fs"              )              ;              fs              .              readFile              (              "config.json"              ,              function              (              err              ,              contents              )              {              if              (              err              )              {              throw              err              ;              }              doSomethingWith              (              contents              )              ;              console              .              log              (              "Done"              )              ;              }              )              ;            

The fs.readFile() method is called with the filename to read and a callback function. When the operation is finished, the callback function is called. The callback checks to see if there's an error, and if not, processes the returned contents. This works well when you have a small, finite number of asynchronous tasks to complete, but gets complicated when you need to nest callbacks or otherwise sequence a series of asynchronous tasks. This is where generators and yield are helpful.

A Simple Task Runner

Because yield stops execution and waits for the next() method to be called before starting again, you can implement asynchronous calls without managing callbacks. To start, you need a function that can call a generator and start the iterator, such as this:

              function              run              (              taskDef              )              {              // create the iterator, make available elsewhere              let              task              =              taskDef              (              )              ;              // start the task              let              result              =              task              .              next              (              )              ;              // recursive function to keep calling next()              function              step              (              )              {              // if there's more to do              if              (              !              result              .              done              )              {              result              =              task              .              next              (              )              ;              step              (              )              ;              }              }              // start the process              step              (              )              ;              }            

The run() function accepts a task definition (a generator function) as an argument. It calls the generator to create an iterator and stores the iterator in task. The task variable is outside the function so it can be accessed by other functions; I will explain why later in this section. The first call to next() begins the iterator and the result is stored for later use. The step() function checks to see if result.done is false and, if so, calls next() before recursively calling itself. Each call to next() stores the return value in result, which is always overwritten to contain the latest information. The initial call to step() starts the process of looking at the result.done variable to see whether there's more to do.

With this implementation of run(), you can run a generator containing multiple yield statements, such as:

              run              (              function              *              (              )              {              console              .              log              (              1              )              ;              yield              ;              console              .              log              (              2              )              ;              yield              ;              console              .              log              (              3              )              ;              }              )              ;            

This example just outputs three numbers to the console, which simply shows that all calls to next() are being made. However, just yielding a couple of times isn't very useful. The next step is to pass values into and out of the iterator.

Task Running With Data

The easiest way to pass data through the task runner is to pass the value specified by yield into the next call to the next() method. To do so, you need only pass result.value, as in this code:

              function              run              (              taskDef              )              {              // create the iterator, make available elsewhere              let              task              =              taskDef              (              )              ;              // start the task              let              result              =              task              .              next              (              )              ;              // recursive function to keep calling next()              function              step              (              )              {              // if there's more to do              if              (              !              result              .              done              )              {              result              =              task              .              next              (              result              .              value              )              ;              step              (              )              ;              }              }              // start the process              step              (              )              ;              }            

Now that result.value is passed to next() as an argument, it's possible to pass data between yield calls, like this:

              run              (              function              *              (              )              {              let              value              =              yield              1              ;              console              .              log              (              value              )              ;              // 1              value              =              yield              value              +              3              ;              console              .              log              (              value              )              ;              // 4              }              )              ;            

This example outputs two values to the console: 1 and 4. The value 1 comes from yield 1, as the 1 is passed right back into the value variable. The 4 is calculated by adding 3 to value and passing that result back to value. Now that data is flowing between calls to yield, you just need one small change to allow asynchronous calls.

Asynchronous Task Runner

The previous example passed static data back and forth between yield calls, but waiting for an asynchronous process is slightly different. The task runner needs to know about callbacks and how to use them. And since yield expressions pass their values into the task runner, that means any function call must return a value that somehow indicates the call is an asynchronous operation that the task runner should wait for.

Here's one way you might signal that a value is an asynchronous operation:

              function              fetchData              (              )              {              return              function              (              callback              )              {              callback              (              null              ,              "Hi!"              )              ;              }              ;              }            

For the purposes of this example, any function meant to be called by the task runner will return a function that executes a callback. The fetchData() function returns a function that accepts a callback function as an argument. When the returned function is called, it executes the callback function with a single piece of data (the "Hi!" string). The callback argument needs to come from the task runner to ensure executing the callback correctly interacts with the underlying iterator. While the fetchData() function is synchronous, you can easily extend it to be asynchronous by calling the callback with a slight delay, such as:

              function              fetchData              (              )              {              return              function              (              callback              )              {              setTimeout              (              function              (              )              {              callback              (              null              ,              "Hi!"              )              ;              }              ,              50              )              ;              }              ;              }            

This version of fetchData() introduces a 50ms delay before calling the callback, demonstrating that this pattern works equally well for synchronous and asynchronous code. You just have to make sure each function that wants to be called using yield follows the same pattern.

With a good understanding of how a function can signal that it's an asynchronous process, you can modify the task runner to take that fact into account. Anytime result.value is a function, the task runner will execute it instead of just passing that value to the next() method. Here's the updated code:

              function              run              (              taskDef              )              {              // create the iterator, make available elsewhere              let              task              =              taskDef              (              )              ;              // start the task              let              result              =              task              .              next              (              )              ;              // recursive function to keep calling next()              function              step              (              )              {              // if there's more to do              if              (              !              result              .              done              )              {              if              (              typeof              result              .              value              ===              "function"              )              {              result              .              value              (              function              (              err              ,              data              )              {              if              (              err              )              {              result              =              task              .              throw              (              err              )              ;              return              ;              }              result              =              task              .              next              (              data              )              ;              step              (              )              ;              }              )              ;              }              else              {              result              =              task              .              next              (              result              .              value              )              ;              step              (              )              ;              }              }              }              // start the process              step              (              )              ;              }            

When result.value is a function (checked with the === operator), it is called with a callback function. That callback function follows the Node.js convention of passing any possible error as the first argument (err) and the result as the second argument. If err is present, then that means an error occurred and task.throw() is called with the error object instead of so an error is thrown at the correct location. If there is no error, then data is passed into and the result is stored. Then, step() is called to continue the process. When result.value is not a function, it is directly passed to the next() method.

This new version of the task runner is ready for all asynchronous tasks. To read data from a file in Node.js, you need to create a wrapper around fs.readFile() that returns a function similar to the fetchData() function from the beginning of this section. For example:

              let              fs              =              require              (              "fs"              )              ;              function              readFile              (              filename              )              {              return              function              (              callback              )              {              fs              .              readFile              (              filename              ,              callback              )              ;              }              ;              }            

The readFile() method accepts a single argument, the filename, and returns a function that calls a callback. The callback is passed directly to the fs.readFile() method, which will execute the callback upon completion. You can then run this task using yield as follows:

              run              (              function              *              (              )              {              let              contents              =              yield              readFile              (              "config.json"              )              ;              doSomethingWith              (              contents              )              ;              console              .              log              (              "Done"              )              ;              }              )              ;            

This example is performing the asynchronous readFile() operation without making any callbacks visible in the main code. Aside from yield, the code looks the same as synchronous code. As long as the functions performing asynchronous operations all conform to the same interface, you can write logic that reads like synchronous code.

Of course, there are downsides to the pattern used in these examples--namely that you can't always be sure a function that returns a function is asynchronous. For now, though, it's only important that you understand the theory behind the task running. Using promises offers more powerful ways of scheduling asynchronous tasks, and Chapter 11 covers this topic further.


Iterators are an important part of ECMAScript 6 and are at the root of several key language elements. On the surface, iterators provide a simple way to return a sequence of values using a simple API. However, there are far more complex ways to use iterators in ECMAScript 6.

The Symbol.iterator symbol is used to define default iterators for objects. Both built-in objects and developer-defined objects can use this symbol to provide a method that returns an iterator. When Symbol.iterator is provided on an object, the object is considered an iterable.

The for-of loop uses iterables to return a series of values in a loop. Using for-of is easier than iterating with a traditional for loop because you no longer need to track values and control when the loop ends. The for-of loop automatically reads all values from the iterator until there are no more, and then it exits.

To make for-of easier to use, many values in ECMAScript 6 have default iterators. All the collection types--that is, arrays, maps, and sets--have iterators designed to make their contents easy to access. Strings also have a default iterator, which makes iterating over the characters of the string (rather than the code units) easy.

The spread operator works with any iterable and makes converting iterables into arrays easy, too. The conversion works by reading values from an iterator and inserting them individually into an array.

A generator is a special function that automatically creates an iterator when called. Generator definitions are indicated by a star (*) character and use of the yield keyword to indicate which value to return for each successive call to the next() method.

Generator delegation encourages good encapsulation of iterator behavior by letting you reuse existing generators in new generators. You can use an existing generator inside another generator by calling yield * instead of yield. This process allows you to create an iterator that returns values from multiple iterators.

Perhaps the most interesting and exciting aspect of generators and iterators is the possibility of creating cleaner-looking asynchronous code. Instead of needing to use callbacks everywhere, you can set up code that looks synchronous but in fact uses yield to wait for asynchronous operations to complete.


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