You Will Know My Name Is the Lord Gif

The answer to this question might seem self-axiomatic, especially to those of us who grew upward in a western Judeo-Christian society.

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Exodus 20:7

Exodus 20:seven, Deuteronomy 5:11 – You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord volition not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.

Please exist warned, I'm going to use a phrase that is offensive to many.

For most, the ultimate violation of the third commandment is to say "God damn it." Yous can use just virtually every other word or phrase, no matter how bad, but when your vulgarity includes the utilization of this phrase, many believe you lot've crossed the line. You lot might even be charged with irreverence against the Holy Spirit.

In fact, more people would confidently answer this question than could list the 10 Commandments, name the gospels, or explain the deviation between the New and Old Testaments.

At Odds with the 3rd Commandment (As Some Define It)

I'yard going to have a stand that's at odds with the most popular understanding of the 3rd commandment. That's why I used the word "really" in the title of this article. With all the talk about cursing pastors, the evolution of swearing in the blogosphere, and the general confusion around this result (fifty-fifty in Christian circles), I thought I'd take a stab at explaining what it really means to accept the Lord'due south name in vain.

If I'1000 right almost the third-commandment, we take a serious issue of folk theology that's damaging the character of God by misrepresenting what Christian speech is.

The question that must drive the understanding of whatever biblical passage is:

What did the author intend for his audience to sympathize past his writing?

The tertiary commandment was given to a specific people, at a specific time, in a specific place, with a specific purpose. Nosotros'll never know what it ways today if we don't start know what it originally meant.

What Virtually the F-Bomb, S-Discussion, etc?

The 3rd commandment has nothing to practise with what we unremarkably call cursing. Apply of the F-discussion, S-word, etc. is a separate event. The Bible certainly has a lot to say about speech communication:

Proverbs 10:32 – The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked, what is perverse.

Colossians 3:8 – Merely now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your oral cavity.

Ephesians 4:29 – Permit no corrupting talk come up out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, every bit fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Swearing and Cursing Speech Bubble

The third commandment is specifically addressing the use of God's name. Information technology isn't meant to accost the use of words, phrases, and fifty-fifty gestures that may be socially uncouth or vulgar.

When Calling on God to Damn Someone Is Biblical

We have this incorrect. In fact, from a purely objective standpoint, I don't believe that this phrase causes God to even bat an eye. Why would calling on God to damn something exist so bad? What does the verb "damn" mean? The American Heritage Dictionary defines the verb "to damn" every bit "the act of pronouncing an adverse judgement upon."

To call upon God to damn something is neither sinful nor unbiblical. In fact, you can find people throughout Scripture, peculiarly in the Psalms, who call upon God to bring judgment on their enemies. In other words, they are asking for God to damn those whom they experience are ripe for His judgment. In this sense, saying "God damn _____" is as biblical as maxim "God anoint _____."

Some say the reason this is a violation of the tertiary commandment is because people are using God'south proper name in a "vain", "worthless", or "empty" way. In this case, to say, "God damn it!" in our vernacular tongue is not the same as seriously calling upon God to damn something or someone. For those making this claim, if yous say it seriously, fine. If however, yous say information technology casually, you've used His proper name in an empty manner and cleaved the tertiary commandment.

Don't get me wrong. I'm non advocating that nosotros should accept the Lord's proper noun in vain, just that our understanding of what this commandment means is mistaken. There are three major critiques I'd offer to our common understanding:

i) "God" is Non the Name of God

"God" is a term used to refer to deities in general. A generic nomenclature tin't be considered a formal name. It would exist like you saying that my name is "person". God gives His proper name to Moses in the volume of Exodus. His name is Yahweh. Would you take the same offense if someone were to stub their toe and say "Yahweh damn it!" I incertitude it.

When Christians use words like "God" or "Lord" we're typically referring to the God of the Bible, Yahweh. And after all, if you're not calling on the God of the Bible to damn something, whom are you calling on? Therefore, although the give-and-take God isn't a formal name, because nosotros use it as such, saying G-D may examination the limits of what many consider taking God's name in vain.

2) Selective Outrage at the Utilize of "God"

If the principle in question is that we're not to apply God's name unless nosotros really mean it, then we're pretty inconsistent in our outrage. Why don't people become offended when others say "God bless you?" Exercise you think that every time someone says this that they really hateful information technology? Do you recall that in their mind they are talking to God, beseeching Him on your behalf?

Just nigh every email I get ends with the phrase, "God bless."

Just well-nigh every email I get ends with the phrase, "God bless." I seriously doubt that that person actually said a prayer for me before he or she striking send. If this is the case, why is saying, "God bless you" not just as much a violation of the 3rd commandment as maxim "God damn you?"

Is it more biblical to ask for God's kindness or judgment? I don't recall nearly anyone who is honest with themselves tin can say they're consistent in this regard. Saying "God damn it" and not significant it should be simply as bad equally saying "God bless you lot" and not significant it.

Information technology true that both uses of "God" could exist incorrect, or both could be correct. But, without modifying our principle (i.e. not using God's name unless nosotros really mean it) we can't differentiate between the two.

iii) What Does "In Vain" Mean?

I've saved this betoken for concluding because it'southward the most important. In fact, if I'chiliad right, the first ii points don't really make a difference. The question is this:

What does information technology mean to use God's name in an empty or vain style?

What does the third commandment really hateful? Information technology's hard to tell from a simple word study on the Hebrew term שָׁוְא (vain). Besides, our agreement of a "name" and what it signifies is much different than what it meant in the context in which this commandment was given. First, we must try to understand what it meant when it was written. Second, nosotros can and then work out how that applies to u.s..

It does us no good to anachronistically impose our understanding upon an ancient text. This is eisegesis (reading into the text what we presuppose), not exegesis (letting the text speak on its own terms).

How the Canaanite Nations Invoked Their Deities

Briefly, this is what I believe your studies will show. The nations to which the Israelites were going (in Canaan) had many gods. They were highly superstitious. Their prophets used the name of their god in pronouncements all the time. The usage could be in a curse, hex, or even a blessing. They used the name of their god to requite their statements, whatever they may be, authority.

To pronounce something in the proper name of a god meant that people would listen and fearfulness. They may have said, "In the name of Baal, there volition be no rain for xl days." Or "In the proper name of Marduk, I say that you will win this battle." This gave the prophet much ability and authority.

Just, equally we know, at that place is no Baal or Marduk. Those gods couldn't have made such pronouncements. Thus the words of the prophet had no potency and didn't need to be praised or feared.

Israel's God Instructed the Proper Use of His Name

God was commanding the Israelites non to do the same affair. God instructed them not to use His name like the nations effectually them used the names of their gods. He did non want them to utilise His name falsely to invoke dominance. This can be seen fifty-fifty today equally the name Jesus means very piddling considering of its abiding misuse.

Moses and the Ten Commandments

In essence, God didn't want the Israelites to say that He'd said something that He, in fact, had not. This makes sense. God has a reputation to protect. He doesn't desire anyone saying, "Thus saith the Lord", if the Lord has not spoken.

We've all experienced this. We've had someone say we said something we didn't. This tin be very damaging to our character and destructive to our reputation. Why? Because it makes united states of america out to be something nosotros're non. How much more important is it for God to protect His graphic symbol?

Application of the Third Commandment Today

What does this hateful for us? Well, for starters nosotros sympathize that the tertiary commandment is focused on something more foundational than simply saying "God damn it!"

While some people may never call up of using that phrase, people all over the Christian religious landscape are breaking the third commandment every day, damaging the Lord's reputation:

  • "Thus saith the Lord…"
  • "God told me to tell you…"
  • "I have a give-and-take from the Lord…"
  • "God says that if you send in this much coin, yous will be blessed."

I could go on and on, only yous get the signal.

If all one needed to do to continue the 3rd commandment was to avoid saying certain socially unacceptable words or phrases, information technology would exist the easiest of the Ten Commandments to go along!

Using the proper noun of the Lord in vain is a serious matter. Information technology damages His reputation and character through false and unsure claims. Earlier you say "God said…" brand sure He really said it.

If you are unsure, make your argument reflect your dubiousness. Saying "I think God is telling you to…" rather than "God is telling you to…" may not exist every bit authoritative, but it will keep God's reputation safe and proceed y'all from breaking the third commandment.

If I were Satan, I couldn't recall of a improve way to trivialize such an important commandment.

Every bit an aside, I think that this misunderstanding of the third commandment is both sad and tragic. If I were Satan, I couldn't think of a better way to trivialize such an important commandment than to fool people into thinking it's focus is on the phrase, "God damn information technology."

A Last Caution

Does this hateful that I believe that we tin now say this phrase and non worry near it? No. Using this phrase in a colloquial way is offensive in many (if not most) contexts. It all comes back to existence intentional with everything we say. While it is not a violation of the third commandment necessarily, it is offensive speech that must exist used with wisdom and discretion.

Objections and Q&A

Shouldn't Christians Avoid Every Course (Appearance) of Evil?

Because, in our culture, proverb certain words is considered offensive, crude, or crass, Christians should avoid using them so as in order not to violate ane Thessalonians 5:22. Dan Wallace's article Avoid Every Appearance of Evil, addresses this very topic.

Merely What If Cursing Violates My Conscience or Someone Else's?

No one should violate their conscience. Who would deny that we must do what nosotros recollect is right? While it's true that we could follow our conscience and be wrong, we tin can never violate our conscience and be correct. Going against what nosotros think is right (fifty-fifty if nosotros're wrong) is always wrong. We would be a law unto ourselves maybe fifty-fifty antinomian (against the moral constabulary).

That being said, we should beware of professional weaker brethren who use their scruples to dominate others.

So I Should Start Swearing, Right?

No. Not if you hateful "swear" in the sense of cursing left and right. Don't imagine this article is a license to utilise vulgarities in the proper name of Christian liberty. The gospel frees us from the bondage to sin so we tin live righteous lives not so we can be rude.

You're Just Looking for Loopholes!

It'southward true that scriptures have been used to excuse the pet sins of many people.

Wonderful things in the Bible I see. Near of them put there by yous and by me.

However, the conclusions we come up to must remainder upon textual exegesis. If the Bible calls something sinful, let God be true and every homo a liar. Only if it doesn't, we dare non heap upon others a yoke of chains.

C Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo House Blog. He has been in ministry building for nearly xx years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Th.Thousand. Dallas Theological Seminary (2001), president of Ideology House Ministries and Ideology Courses, author of At present that I'g a Christian (Crossway, 2014) Increase My Organized religion (Credo House, 2011), and The Theology Program (Reclaiming the Heed Ministries, 2001-2006), host of Theology Unplugged, and primary blogger hither at Parchment and Pen. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. Michael is available for speaking engagements. He can be contacted at [email protected]


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